Recipe Mixing

  • Exandable from 6 to 18 components

  • Suitable for sticky materials like spices powder, backing soda, milk solids, sugar, pahramceutical & minerals powder.

  • Micro weighing for batch size of 500 g to 3 kg is available.

  • Delivers consistent accuracy with ultra light weighing pas desing.

  • Mistake proof operation by Barcode based door locking.

  • Individual and common dust extraction is optional.

  • Additive Batch Capacity - 500 g to 200 Kg/Batch
  • Additive Component - 1 to 18 Material
  • production capacity : 4 to 12 batch based upon formulation.
  • MOC for Additive weighing Pan - food grade Aluminium alloy/ SS 304 / 316 / 316 L
  • MOC for feeder SS 304/ 316 / 316 L